A note from the inventor and CEO
I always heard my grandfather reminding me before leaving, “don’t forget your safety stripe” he’d check us every time we left at night. It was like wearing a helmet whilst riding a bike. From a young age, proper nighttime safety gear was embedded in my routine.
Some friends would poke fun at me, others just didn’t wear them, no one seemed to care about nighttime safety gear. Was my grandpa just a scared old man? Were they even necessary??

Mark P. –
This belt is amazing. My husband always says that hed rather DIE then go out in reflective gear. Finally someone made something thats wearable. We love our reflective belts, we even jog in them regularly cause he says they are “less of an eye sore” then regular reflective gear.
Marc Teitelbaum –
Super bright reflective stripe. Wear it every night when walking home from work, makes me feel more secure as we don’t have sidewalks in Monsey.
Hanna G. –
Would have given this 5 stars but it took a few minutes to figure out the size changer. Might be my weak hands so if so, i’m sorry. Belt works as promised, reflective stripe is bright, fists perfectly now that we figured it out. Looks like any other standard leather belt.
Avi H. –
This product is a game changer. Ive been wearing vests home for the past few years. I no longer carry a vest, the revers-able functionality is awesome. Really works the way they say it does. Great product!
Daniella M. –
Bought this for my hubby! Feel alot better when hes wearing it, especially when hes walking home from work. Keeps him safe and reflective!
Dennis –
Best reflective product ive ever purchased. Functions as a normal belt! 10/10!